Range Artists

Find us on: www.rangeartists.qld4350.com

Click here for present Members' sample paintings
Click here for past members' sample paintings
Click here for our stand at Seniors Expos 2021-2023

A monthly meeting

and a workshop

Fay Cooney and Frank Macormack sketch

while Bill Morton gives a tutorial on
'The Centre of Interest'
Fay's view of a scene (left) here differs from her grandson Jack's.
Fay's landscape Jack's

The Range Artists Co-op Ltd. Started in 1996 to bring 2D artists together to share their progress.

The Group became an incorporated Co-operative in 1999.

Monthly meetings and a newsletter inform members of events and exhibitions.

Members show a variety of styles and media.

On October 20, 2021, pictures were exhibited
at the Seniors' Expo.

Jack's Portrait Flake
          versus Titanium White
Jack Cooney's portraits. In the first he used Flake white and in the second Titanium White
Our President June Higton died on March 14, 2019.
On April 27 we met as a tribute to her.
Bill Morton gave a eulogy.
Bagpipes were played and butterflies were released.
Fay Cooney is now our president.